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Photo of Jazzamoart Vázquez Mexico

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To the date, Jazzamoart has presented 220 collective exhibitions and 85 individual ones in Mexico EUA, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Japan, His work is in important public and private collections. He has collaborated in various publications, workshops, conferences and cds. Member of the National System of Creators of Arts of CONACULTA from 1993 till 2000.

2007 Exhibits in the Museum Costumbrista of Sonora, the Museum...

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To the date, Jazzamoart has presented 220 collective exhibitions and 85 individual ones in Mexico EUA, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Japan, His work is in important public and private collections. He has collaborated in various publications, workshops, conferences and cds. Member of the National System of Creators of Arts of CONACULTA from 1993 till 2000.

2007 Exhibits in the Museum Costumbrista of Sonora, the Museum Raúl Anguiano in Guadalajara, the Franz Meyer Museum and the escultoric encounter Mexico-Japan in Mérida. He obtains the prize of the International Art Call for the Festival of Jazz of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

2006 In Mexico, creates a sculpture for the Museum of Children and exhibits in WTC, stock-market of Values and the ITAM, in EUA in the Castle Gallery de New York and in Italy in the Vismara Gallery in Milan.

2005 Exhibits in the Tour de la Bourse in Montreal, Canada and the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Kobe, Japan. He designs the prize of the Festival of Jazz of Mexico, distinction that would receive Wayne Shorter and Diana Krall. He gains the First Prize in the Art Contest in Australia.

2004 Creates tótem in Quebec, Canada. He presents his art in Museum of Abstract Art Manuel Felguerez and in the International Festival of Jazz in Montreal. He receives the Key of the City and the Silver Gardenia in Nayarit.

2003 Exhibits in the Institute of Mexico in San Antonio, Texas and Washington, D.C. He participates in the exhibition Prodigious of the end of Century in the MARCO Museum. He makes monumental sculptures for the Chactemal corridor and the Escultoric Garden Juan Soriano in Colima, Mexico.

2002 Exhibits collectively in the Museum Queen Sofía in Madrid, Spain and obtains Gold´s Jaiba in Tamaulipas.

2001 Exhibits in the Museum Jose Luis Cuevas, the International Airport of Mexico Gallery and in the New Gallery Space in New York.

2000 Participates in shows in the Cultural Institute Cabañas in Guadalajara, the MACAY Museum in Merida and The Rye Arts Center in New York.

1999 Exhibits in the Museum of San Ildefonso and receives Saint John Baptist of La Salle Medal, Mexico.

1998 Exhibits in the Gallery Kyra Maralt in Berlin, Germany. Member Honorary of the Committee of Arts of Guanajuato. He works in Milan, Italy.

1997 In Mexico exposes in the galleries Pecanins and Kin, in the Mexican Cultural Institute of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Museum Do Brinquedo de Sintra, in Lisbon, Portugal and the Museum of the Americas in Denver, EUA.

1996 Exhibits in the Gallery Norske Grafikere in Oslo, Norway and in the Museums of Kerava, Joenbuv and Rovaniemi in Helsinki, Finland.

1995 Creates monumental sculptures in Hollywood, California USA and Cultural Center San Angel, Mexico.

1994 Exhibits in Belem Cultural Center in Lisbon, Portugal and the Institute of Fine Arts of San José, Costa Rica. He obtains Honorary Mention in the II National Pascual Painting Biennial, Mexico.

1993 Participates in the Festival of Europalia in Ostende, Belgium and in the Triennial of Osaka, Japan.

1992 Does a monumental sculpture and the stage scene of the Jazz Festival in the National Auditorium, Mexico for B.B. King and Ray Charles among others.

1991 Exhibits in the WTC of Los Angeles, California. He obtains Honorary Mention in IV National Biennial Diego Rivera, Section Drawing, Mexico.

1990 He has his attelier in Paris, France. In Mexico he exposes in the Museum of Modern Art, the Estampa Museum and receives the Historical Down Town Fest. prize.

1989 Does a mural of 360 square meters in UAM, Mexico. He obtains Honorary Mention in the Dante Aligheri Contest and gains the Prize of the Bicentennial of the French Revolution.

1988 Exhibits in the Scott Alan Gallery of New York and at Mexico in the Museum of Modern Art. He receives Honorary mention in the National Hall of Arts in Drawing, México.

1987 Exhibits in the Museum of Art Carrillo Gil, Mexico and in the Bronx Museum of Art in New York. He obtains Honorary Mention in the sample “50 years of fight of feeding” and gains the Prize of Acquisition in the National Hall of Arts, Painting section, Mexico.

1986 Participates in Confrontation 86 and the Biennial of Ecuador; he receives Honorary Mention in the Tamayo Biennial and the Great Prize in the Biennial of Miami, EUA.

1985 Exhibits in the Museum of Phoenix, EUA, in Gallery L ´space Cardin in Paris, France and in the International Prize of Drawing Joan Miró in Barcelona, Spain. In Mexico, he obtains Honorary Mention in the National Hall of Arts Sculpture section.

1984 Participates for the first time in exhibitions at the Fine Arts Museum Palace and the Chopo Museum, Mexico.

1982 Exhibits in the Tamayo Biennial, the National Hall of Arts Sculpture section and receives Honorary Painting Mention, Mexico.

1981 Participates in the National Hall of Arts, Mexico

1969 Studies in San Carlos, National School of Arts, Mexico

1963 Granted a scholarship by Agustín Yañez, Secretary of Public Education.

1951 Born in Irapuato, Gto. Mexico the 28 of May.


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